Dr McCormick video on microsurgical resection of a synovial cyst causing severe lumbar spinal stenosis published in Operative Neurosurgery
Synovial Cysts are a benign and fairly common condition in adult patients. They can arise in most joints throughout the body. In most cases they are asymptomatic but in the spine they can enlarge to produce severe spinal stenosis and pressure on the spinal nerves...
Dr. McCormick invited speaker at 37th Annual Meeting of the Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves
Dr. McCormick was a featured speaker at the recent 37th Annual Joint Spine Section Annual Spine Summit meeting held in San Diego. He presented at the Innovative Technology Special Session: Operative Video Segments. His presentation was entitled “Intramedullary Tumor,...
Dr. McCormick Publishes Innovative Technique for Microsurgical Removal of a Rare Spinal Cord Tumor
Dr. McCormick, an expert in surgical treatment of spinal cord tumors, publishes a peer reviewed publication that includes a description and video of an innovative approach for safe resection of a benign spinal cord tumor in Operative Neurosurgery. Hemangioblastomas...